Shortcut Key's :
Hey Friends Welcome To my Blog Techimen,and you Know very well my blog is on some Technical Tricks and some letest Trending News so welcome again to my blog.In this blog I Talk About Some Shortcut-Key's Of Computer To Make Youre self as a Faster In Computer,Let's begin......
Provided some shortcut keys, which make our work faster and easier. It is very useful to get in the habit of using certain keys instead of working with the mouse. Try using each key and you will find a permanent job.
1.CTRL + SHIFT + ESC = The quickest way to bring up Task Manager
2. CTRL + SHIFT + T = open Recentely Close tab
3. CTRL + B = Make Text Bold
4. WINDOW + ESC = Open New Wondow
5. ALT + F4 = Close the currently active program.
6. F2 = Rename a selected file.
7. CTRL + D = Bookmarks the current page in most Internet browsers.
8. CRL + F =Open find window for current document or window.
9.ALT + ENTER =Open the properties for the selected item.
10. ALT + F = File menu options in the current program.
Microsoft Windows shortcut keys list
1.Alt + Tab = Switch between open applications.
2.Alt + Shift + Tab = Switch backward between open applications.
3.Alt + Print Screen = Create screenshot for the current program.
4.Ctrl + Alt + Del = Reboot/Windows task manager.
5.Ctrl + Esc = Bring up the start menu.
6.Alt + Esc = Switch between applications on the taskbar.
7.F2 = Rename selected icon.
8.F3 = Start Find From The dekstop.
9.F4 = Open the drive selection when browsing.
10.F5 = Refresh contents.
11.Alt + F4 = lose current open program.
Word shortcut keys
1.Ctrl + A = Select all contents of the page.
2.Ctrl + B = Bold highlighted selection.
3.Ctrl + C = Copy selected text.
4.Ctrl + X = Cut selected text.
5.Ctrl + N = Open new/blank document.
6.Ctrl + O = Open options.
7.Ctrl + P = Open the print window.
8.Ctrl + F = Open find box.
9.Ctrl + I = Italicise highlighted selection.
10.Ctrl + K = Insert link.
2.Ctrl + B = Bold highlighted selection.
3.Ctrl + C = Copy selected text.
4.Ctrl + X = Cut selected text.
5.Ctrl + N = Open new/blank document.
6.Ctrl + O = Open options.
7.Ctrl + P = Open the print window.
8.Ctrl + F = Open find box.
9.Ctrl + I = Italicise highlighted selection.
10.Ctrl + K = Insert link.
WINKEY shortcuts
1.WINKEY + D = Bring desktop to the top of other windows.
2.WINKEY + M = Minimize all windows.
3.WINKEY + SHIFT + M = Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M and WINKEY + D.
4.WINKEY + E = Open Microsoft Explorer.
5.WINKEY + Tab = Cycle through open programs on the taskbar.
6.WINKEY + F = Display the Windows Search/Find feature.
7.WINKEY + CTRL + F = Display the search for computers window.